We have been here almost three weeks and it's been quite the ride with the weather. We have had lots of rain, a little bit of sleet, even smaller amounts of hail, spurts of sunshine and a few very hot days (80's). Today is suppose to be a hot day...thank goodness.
During the week we don't get out much. Cory is working very long days and doesn't get home until around 7 each night. This will be his schedule for the next few months while the project is in it's early planning stages. We try to do all of our exploring on the weekends.
This weekend we went down to Calvert county. Counties are a big deal in this part of the country. People don't usually ask which town you live in, but rather which county you are from or reside. We are trying to catch on..LOL Calvert county is south of us and the tip is where the Chesapeake Bay meets the Atlantic ocean. The cliffs are pretty and are close to the site where in 1608 John Smith landed when he arrived at the America's. The walk was 2 miles out and the cliffs are 30 miles long, but the beach is only about a 1/4 of a mile.
The draw for this beach is the fossils. They are everywhere. Shark teeth can easily be found daily. I found a small white one. Isabella had fun playing in a small stream that feeds into the bay with other kids her age.
The walk is beautiful, the beach peaceful and the air is so clean and fresh. Calvert county is filled with rolling hills and lots of enormous homes, many plantation styles and cap code in appearance.
We also checked out a mall in Annapolis. It was a very welcomed outing. We are out in Anne Arundel county and it is often times referred to as "redneckville' by others. Don't get me wrong, this town is nice but very rural and about 30 minutes from DC. Annapolis is part of a triangle of cities...the other two points would be Baltimore and DC. The mall was great with all of the usual stores: Build a Bear, Hot Topic and Game Stop. This made the kids happy. Oh, it had a Border's that was not going out of business and a Japanese food court restaurant that was really good. So, YES, we were all happy for a few hours of shopping and walking amongst the city-ites. (Yes, I just made that word up)
We went to a small town called Cape St. Claire that we all loved and checked out the housing and surrounding areas. The problem here is that everyone loves where they live and when ever I ask people their opinion of specific towns or counties, they are all different. But, we do like this area and when we get ready to move into a home will try to find a place in this area. Our goal is to try and be in the area within the triangle of the three cities.
Here are a few pictures of Cory, Isabella and I on the walk out to the cliffs. The big kids wanted to stay home and have some alone time.
We thought this was cool to see, they must have beavers or nutria living in the area. |
We made it to the Atlantic ocean...love this picture
So cute....love this picture too! Two of the most important men in my life! |
Our 2 mile hike in took a while, there was so much to see. Isabella is at the age of wonderful discovery. Everything is amazing, new and inspiring. If we only all had this outlook in life as became adults. |
This is how you come back when you are 4 and hike in 2 miles...poor daddy...poor back. |
This bridge and dock were closed to the public for obvious reasons...broke parts but the picture shows you the area as we walked out to the beach. It was full of so many colors. You new it was spring, yet it could have just as easily been the end of fall with all of the bare trees and fallen leaves on the ground. |
My first attempt at creating this popular look with some of the flowers along the walk. |
Not sure what she was doing, but though it was a cute picture.
The trees are so tall and very large around. We tried counting the rings on some, but they are so close together it's hard to keep track and with old eyes it all started blurring together and we gave up. |
Mid jump...we found some water! |
Looking away from the beach. |
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She just keeps getting cuter and cuter every day! |
Looking for fossils...the photo has a texture on it. |
This is the broken bridge. I thought it looked cool. |
The beach to the right... |
....the beach to the left. So you can see how tiny it is. |
They have installed these plank style walk ways through the park. It's very wet and muddy in some parts. |
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