Thursday, February 3, 2011

LOVING...2nd Chances!

Sometimes in this life we are given the opportunity to do things over.  Of course, there are many things that also happen along the way that we wish would never happen or occur more than once, but that is not what this entry is about.  It IS about the joy of getting that "2nd chance".  I have been blessed with several of these opportunities in my lifetime.  Below are three that have changed me forever.

The first that comes to my mind is the wonderful chance of being a Mom again with Isabella.  When you are young and trying to get it just right we sometimes forget to enjoy the ride.  At least I know I did.  Not always, but there were times that I was sooooo busy with everyone else and their needs that I some times WAS too busy for my kids, other than basic needs.  It helped that I had my hubby around a lot too.  I never felt guilty about being asked to do one more thing...because Dad was home with the kids.  With that said, when we found out I was pregnant with Isabella I was not exactly jumping for joy.  I was 38,  my photography business was hoping and I had pretty much accepted the fact that 2 kids is what we were going to have and I would be happy with that.  Well, obviously our family was not finished and we were blessed with a third baby.

Once my hormones settled down and I realized that I WAS happy for this new addition to our family, she has brought immense JOY into our lives.  I am grateful for this 2nd chance of parenting, of listening to the laugh of a baby, of feeling those hugs and kisses just because, for the sweetness that is there deep within her spirit and soul, for the constant reassurance that I am needed on every level and most of all for the chance for my big kids to get to be the best big brother and sister.  They are so patient, understanding and loving to Isabella.  Without this experience I would not get to see this side of my kids for a long time and I find it endearing as I watch the bond of family being created between my kids.

I have made the decision that my family comes first.  No matter what.  I gave up lots of busy work, busy committees and extras this past year to focus on my kids.  With my older ones getting big so fast and time flying by, I realized I did not want my time spent away from my kids.  This was a huge factor in our decision to hit the road full time and experience this life and not "go" through life with a routine that is always there when we are ready to do that again.  There are second chances but not many DO OVERS!

This second chance was going to be cherished and spent a little bit differently than the first time around with my kids.  I think that my older kids have turned out fantastic and they probably never missed a thing.....I HOPE at least..LOL

Second Chances, they can be a blessing.

One second chance that I am so grateful for is the reuniting with my sister.  Unfortunately it took the death of our Grandma to reconnect with someone I had missed for a long time.  The details don't matter, other than to say that I was young, immature and dealing with too many "things" to understand what was truly important.  I had my priorities out of whack.  I followed my reasoning and rule book instead of listening to my heart.  I am grateful for second chances and the opportunity I have had to be reconnected to a sister that I missed and love very much!

My last second chance that I am thankful for is the opportunity that I have had to rediscover, for myself, the love that I know God has for me.  It took me walking away from something that I loved, cherished and gave 110 percent too, to feel that love of God again...a second chance.  I had fallen into a rut of going through the motions, slowly becoming something that I was not. I had to dig deep and listen to the spirit within myself to finally say "enough is enough" and just let go.  It was not easy!  I believe with all of my fiber that I was led to have this experience and that I could not deny it anymore if I were to have the opportunity to BE once again and FEEL his love.  This is not the right blog to talk in length about my experience but know that looking in hind sight and seeing the pieces of MY puzzle fall into place, brings a new sense of spiritualness, love, openness, acceptance and empowerment to the sweet spirit that lives within this heart, mind, soul and body that I have been given to enjoy this life.

Second chances are all around us.  Are you willing to give them a try? Are you willing to listen to those promptings that might give you some of the greatest experiences that your life has yet to offer?  I know that I was and am always looking.  I may not have always understood or immediately desired that second chance,  but looking's all very powerful!

Second Chances, will you have one today?  Enjoy your day!

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