Yes, she is a little peace of heaven to our family! I love you Isabella!! |
I know, I know...it's been forever since this lazy butt girl has written on the blog. We have been in Austin this past month and "lying low", so to speak. I feel pressure to write about things we have done and the funny events in our life. This past month was just ho-hum...until I made the list and realized that I should stick to my weekly goal of writing on the blog. I will try and do a better job of this....my blogee's are waiting. Yes, I did just make up that word!!!!...LOL I am still funnier than hell in my own mind.
I got my hair cut...bangs baby! It was either that or Botox...My forehead is not aging smoothly! |
The first two weeks we were at the state park and I believe that is all mentioned in the previous blog. Still love that place!! Our next spot was La Hacienda RV Resort. Notice the word resort in conjunction with the acronym RV. This place was the Ritz of RV parks. We had so much fun and learned so much from our friends and neighbors. The people that are spending their lives doing this full time are absolutely amazing, talented and beyond incredible!
While at La Hacienda we were introduced to our first Prevost motor coach. They start at $1,000,000.00 dollars. START AT THAT PRICE brand new, for a motor home! They are very nice. They are amazing to look at but I am so happy with my humble Dutchmen...I have kids, pets and too many hobbies to worry about that much money on wheels.
Reid Wilson and My So Called Friends, Band |
We met and became friends with some great families and couples. We met Freddy and Catharine Powers. Freddy has written a ton of country songs. A lot of these songs are for Merle Haggard. While at the resort he celebrated his birthday and some of his friends came. The music was really good. My friends must know that I love live music!! Gretchen and Jimmy were another couple that we had an amazing time getting to know. We spent a lot of time with them because they had little kids. Isabella was in heaven. They are Messianic Jews. It was stimulating to learn something new and to be able to have some great discussions. Cory and Jimmy are both in the IT industry so they had lots to talk about too. My friends, Arlene and Bob, were grandparents to Lexi, another of Isabella's friends. Arlene has been a breast cancer survivor for 34 years. Her very good friend is Susan Love (look her up or read her book). Arlene did an interview with NBC as one of the longest living survivors of breast cancer, while at the park. I feel so blessed to have been able to meet these people. We also had a scary event, one of the RV's in the park caught on fire. They were all okay but totaled
their home. We also met a lady who was having her 5th child IN THE MOTOR HOME! She had a midwife and doula helping her.
Freddy Powers and Cory |
My brain is on overload! Cory and I were introduced this past week to compost toilets. I have to tell you that I have never heard of such a thing. But, they are for real. It's a toilet designed to turn poo into compost. Doesn't that sound good!! Anyways, it really does work; EXCEPT, the key is you need to eat an organic diet. Why did we learn this? We were talking to a couple who are building a home "off the grid"...(another new word or phrase learned). Talk about being prepared. There are too many details to go into a single blog about this but it's something to think about, and YES...it's extreme, and not for everyone...but, I love the idea of growing your own food, raising your own animals and living with solar. This might make it to our bucket list.......
This is darling if you can eat them, they are all around Austin! Cup Cake Airstreams! |
FOOD! I hate it, or I should say it hates me. I have had a difficult time with my Celiac disease this past month. I am addicted to bad food. I love it! It hurts me and I still eat it. But, I have been gluten free for 2 weeks and following a recommendation to eat certain foods for my blood type and I feel amazing. In fact Cory says he is seeing signs of the old Sherron....I am sure he meant to say something other than old...LOL. I know what he means though. My energy level is back, no headaches, nausea or memory issues. So you may be wondering what I eat. I eat a lot of veggies and fruit, mostly organic, fish and chicken and a lot of water. I went to a Chicago Style hotdog house with the family last week. I could not eat anything on the menu. When I asked if they had any lettuce for a salad, she said no......ok, one LARGE glass of ice water please. LOL......lettuce and water, I am living large and on the edge.....when all I really want is a big Freakin KRISPY CREME DONUT!
I haven't painted in 33 years...my first attempt and I love it! |
The cat is lucky. We were pulling out on Saturday to come back to east Texas and the damn cat took off. I have renamed it this because I think it should be damned for running off. I am talking the car is loaded, trailer attached, we are paid and done in the office and the cat takes off. We waited an hour, came home and no cat. Rye refused to get into the car without the cat. We left on Saturday to give us an extra day in case something should come up, and it did. So we go back to the office, unhook the trailer and wait. I caught the cat around 6pm and peace was restored once again to the Watson home. I won't go into details, but you can only imagine my state of mind. Rye is saying she is not leaving and Cory is doing the New Years Eve countdown..."we are leaving in 7 minutes, we are leaving in 6 minutes"...are you starting to get the picture. Lots of tears and harsh words. Glad that day came to an end!
We will know in the next few days where we will be heading next. I am so excited but I cannot tell you yet...offers are on the table and we are trying to decide what is best for our family. We also want to follow the promptings and go where we will be needed and helpful. It's a big decision, and one I know that Cory will do a great job in making! He is the best Dad, Husband and friend!! He has worked so hard and worried too much over finding a job. I appreciate all that he does for our family.
I hope this new blog entry finds all of our friends and families in good health, good spirits and living life to it's fullest. Please drop us a comment to let us know how you are doing. We miss talking to everyone.
Hello watson people! I miss u guys! So are you still thinking three years? Tell drake to answer his phone so that I can talk to him in person and tell rye she's freakin awesome!
ReplyDeleteJoey-Drake will call you tomorrow on my phone. He lost his phone charger. I hope you are having a fantastic night! Sherron