Rye is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! |
This is her: Stop taking pictures of me..look! LOL |
We have been on Mustang Island almost a week. We have enjoyed every minute of it, well, most of us have. Drake got really sunburned on the first day and would not leave the trailer for 2 days. Which it could have all been prevented if he had listened to his Mother about wearing sunscreen. I have concluded that some of my kids have to learn things the hard way. This is going to make for a very interesting decade of their lives.
I love these kids more than anything (except their Dad, of course) |
We have enjoyed our stay so much that we are extending it for one more week. Drake told me that he never wants to leave the beach (before the sunburn though, so maybe his enthusiasm has been curbed a bit). We can definitely tell the weekend is here. The park is packed this morning and there is lots of traffic in and out.
Love the waves! |
We are not sure what to expect next week. There are several hurricanes brewing in the ocean. They are forecasting rain off and on for the next 5 days. Now don't get me wrong when I say it would be thrilling to have a little taste of the wind and rain. I would never want to put my kids in danger, but Cory and I have always loved a good storm. I will post on Facebook if we encounter any such thing.
When I was researching this idea of living on the road, I came across a website called Families on the Road. You may notice their website on our blog. This was so helpful in many different ways. It gave us the courage to do it, it let us see how other families are handling it and it is just FUN to read. I would highly recommend it if you have some free time. My kids feel lucky that there are only the three of them...some families have 6-10 kids. Some of the families are on bikes.
Isabella calls this piggy boarding instead of boogie boarding. |
What I really love about the stories are how similar they are. I wish that we could all meet up together for one big rally. Most of the families are doing this for the same reasons that we are, their Dad works on the road a lot and they wanted to be together. It reaffirms to me that what we have done is a wonderful event in our life.
Last night was the night we designated to have a fire on the beach. It was awesome! I wanted to spend the night out on the beach but Drake said "that's like camping while you are camping".....and that's a problem how? Anyways, we did not spend the night but that is my goal for next week.
Man must collect wood...man must build fire...what a good looking guy! |
I have always been up for almost anything! It's hard for me when our kids are not. I wonder why they are so apt to play it safe all the time, until I push them to "just try it" and then they LOVE it!! I hope that as we live this lifestyle they will want to try new things. Maybe it's just maturity and experience. I have always been a firm believer in living each day to its fullest. I am trying to encourage my kids to not live their lives in mediocre-ville...you have to feel life to really enjoy it! How can you know joy if you have not experienced sadness, or know fear if you don't know contentment, or the sense of playing it safe and yet having your nerves engaged in the thrill of the ride. These are just the thoughts of a 40 something woman who maybe having a mid life crisis...ROFL
Dad, Drake and Rye in the waves |
Back to the beach....the waves were HUGE!! This storm has created a boogie board paradise. I have to admit the beach is a little bit boring with out waves. We played, ate and relaxed for 5 hours! We were very tired when we came home. Our poor dog played harder than the kids and she was the first one begging us to come home...our dog is pretty smart..LOL
Needless to say we all slept really well last night and are anticipating another fun day in paradise.
Rye is all glamorous, walking out of the water and the other three are doing I don't know what...This is very funny!! |
Our stud muffin, Drake |
Guess who is afraid of getting his face sunburned again. |
Handsome Dad |
Love reading your blog! Wish we were there to enjoy the beach and the good company :). Love the picture of Rye!